
Hot Water Circulator:

Hot Water Re-circulating System is a pump and valve combination that delivers hot water in an instant to any faucet or bath in your home.  It uses the pump at the water heater along with the patented under-sink sensor valve installed furthest away from the water heater. 
This arrangement creates a pressure differential that allows the cold and cool water in the hot water supply line to "bypass" (at a low volume) into the cold water supply line all the way through the thermostatically controlled sensor valve, keeping the water in the hot water supply line at a "no-wait" temperature throughout the home. 
The tube that goes to the building may now be too long to connect correctly to the pump. If so, use the hacksaw again to cut the line to the proper length for a secure fitting to the pump's outlet side. Make all the above connections from the pump to the water line by Brooklyn Plumbing Construction Co plumbers.